We can create a custom cast bronze Medallion for you, based on your logo or just a good description. We can make it in almost any size or shape. The standard-size round Medallion is 2-3/8” in diameter. Medallions can be made single-sided (so they can be mounted on a variety of items) or double-sided.
We’re showing you just a random sampling of Medallions we’ve made for special groups like SWAT Teams, for large-statue projects to be used as fund-raisers, law enforcement agencies, and in every case, we absolutely limit sales to only those individuals authorized to buy and own a certain Medallion. We don’t know why somebody would want to purchase a special symbol of a small groups of officers they don’t know, but we’ve have made Medallions for small groups that purchase a single Medallion yearly to use as their top award. It’s worth our time and investment to design with you a special coin or Medallion because we know that officers have a strong loyalty to their SWAT team, their military unit, their FOP Post, etc., etc., so even if we sell just one a year, we’re happy to oblige.
Single-sided Standard Size $25, Double-sided standard size is $50, but we make both the size and design as you wish, so we'd work out a practical price together.
Personlized Options
Silver- and gold-plating available – Call for current prices